Segmentation (Market & Customer)

We offer customized market segmentation that divides a potential or existing market into distinctive subsets (e.g. consumers with common needs or characteristics). This approach allows us to:

Design and implement marketing campaigns to target these specific customer segments
Identify factors of segmentation
Compare expected and achieved objectives
Fine-tune company’s communication in accordance to consumer’s expectations, needs and physiographic profile.
We offer solutions to identifying the strategic positioning of brands among consumer segments. We use various proven statistical techniques such as factor and cluster analyses to develop a framework and segment the consumer population so that you can target segments more effectively by:

  • Improving existing and develop new product offerings for concentrated marketing
  • Adjusting pricing strategies to sub-targets
  • Building communication strategy relevant to consumer needs
  • Improving distribution channels effectiveness
  • Developing appropriate loyalty programs
  • Focusing efforts on customer satisfaction

LOGO branded tools:

LOGO#seg – The Process of Segmentation

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