CATI Center
We use unified communications that improve efficiency, collaboration, customer service and simplify the proliferation of technologies that businesses deal with every day. We communicate and collaborate in real time with our clients’ customers and competitors to make the business even more predictive and productive.
Our structured system for data collection by telephone speeds up the process of gathering and editing of data. It allows our highly experienced interviewer to interact with specific target groups of respondents, which is a major prerequisite for timely and accurate data delivery.
Test Studio
Our Central Location Test (CLT) studio, located in the heart of Sofia is the ideal venue for your complete full-service CLT projects, including:
Focus Groups Studios
Our Sofia office offers two focus group viewing facilities for simultaneous translation of the interviews to our international customers and real-time Web-streaming of the moderation.
LOGO#con – Concept Testing Capabilities
LOGO#ad – Advertising Tracking System
LOGO#price – Pricing Solutions
LOGO#rep – Reputation Study
LOGO#cx – Customer Experience
LOGO#seg – The Process of Segmentation
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