Monthly Archives:October 2023

Consumer Confidence Index – September 2023

And in September, the Consumer Confidence Index deepened the negative trend that started prematurely before the end of summer in August.

Usually alongside the euphoria, especially in parliamentary but also in local elections, the hope for a better future is evident in people’s assessments of the financial situation, the general economic situation and planned large purchases. In September, however, this optimism was displaced by severe real problems.

In August, the consumer price index (inflation gauge) was 13.4% on an annual basis, and the increase in prices in the group of food products and non-alcoholic beverages was 19.9%, with the largest increase in prices in the group of dairy products and eggs – 29.6% .
With such significant levels of increase, and with the relative expenditure on food in the household budget taking the main burden of income, the situation does not bode well for the coming autumn and the upcoming winter.

LOGO Research is an independent market research agency that provides comprehensive service and consulting to end clients as well as valuable assistance to international research agencies for services covering essential elements of the research process.
The company offers a wide range of research solutions, including the collection and analysis of primary and secondary market information, studies of consumer attitudes and habits, strategies and loyalty programs and others in various spheres of economic activity – consumer goods, healthcare, financial services, telecommunications, retail, public sector, consumer and professional services and others.
LOGO Research calculates and analyzes the Consumer Confidence Index in Bulgaria by order of the European Commission from May 2020

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